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Units in Rivendell: To join or not to join?

Units, in Dagorhir, are a group of like-minded individuals who come together to fight as a group or team. A realm however, is a recognized chapter of Dagorhir itself, generally a geographical location where surrounding fighters from many different groups come together to battle. Like personal role-playing choices in Dag, units can go in any fantasy, ancient, or medieval direction they choose. In order to be an official recognized unit of Rivendell, a unit must have Three members with Voting rights. Once a unit has Three or more voting members the unit will be worked into the realm lore and added to the banner.

In Rivendell we currently have two major units, Wargar and Pandemonium, as well as a number of smaller groups forming. A common misconception among new fighters is that in order to participate in Dagorhir in Rivendell, you must be a member of a unit. I’m here to tell you now that this is INCORRECT. There are no rules or norms that say that any member of Rivendell must be in a unit in order to fight or participate. This isn’t like little league baseball, you don’t have to join the Tigers or the Dodgers. This is much more like a pickup game of basketball in the park, one game you’ll be on “shirts”, one game on “skins”, and the next game we’ll re divide the teams to balance things out and switch sides.

There is a great benefit to being part of the Rabble (The term used to define anyone who isn’t in a unit). You get to create your own look, fight in whatever weapons style you want, there aren’t any ranking officials over you, outside the realm counsel and heralds, to tell you what to do. You can also train with who ever you want and learn from anybody about anything. There is more freedom. You’re also more likely to be judged on your own merits by out of towners, or other people at events you travel to, because they don’t have a preconceived notion of who you are based on the unit you’re a part of.

That’s not to say Units don’t have their benefits as well. As a member of a unit you have a built in group of people to fight and camp with at events. You always have someone to go talk to or hang out with after the fighting. If you want help learning a new skill, you can go to other members of your unit for help and guidance. Some groups have drills and unit practices where they all learn to fight together as a group.

Just because you’re not a member of a particular unit, doesn’t mean that you can’t go up to someone who is in, say Wargar, and ask them for help. If Guy A just pulled off a great shot, and you want to learn how he did it, there is nothing stopping you from going and asking him to show you. Most people are happy to show off and teach you something new just for the asking. Just don’t act like a know it all and you’ll learn a lot.

It is highly recommended for all new players to wait at least 6- 12 months after the start of their fighting career to choose a unit to join. This allows them to learn about the different groups, and their members, and Dagorhir in general. It is also suggested to travel and go to events in other realms to get the most varied and comprehensive experience possible before making any commitments. Units are also under no obligation to take any members if they don’t feel they’d be a good fit, or just wouldn’t grow to their full potential in that group. It is not a slight, it doesn’t mean you’re not wanted in the realm, so please keep coming out and beating people with the rest of us.

Fortunately Rivendell is a very welcoming, friendly, and inclusive realm to have fallen into. We continue to grow every day and constantly work to make sure everyone has a good time. We have even started organizing Rivendell campsites at events, where the rabble and the units can all camp together.

In summary, take your time, get to know everyone, and have fun whacking people.

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